Sunday, August 10, 2014

Two years? That's a while!

Two years isn't very long to people who have been in a much longer relationship, but it is a good amount of time to be with somebody. 
Honestly, before now, I would have thought that it was almost impossible to be with somebody longer than a few months and still have some interest in them. But it's not true. When you love someone, everything they do is either irritating or interesting. There's no in between. But you always love them anyway. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Get Her Some Flowers!

It is nothing that men don't already know. Women love receiving gifts. So why, even though she's pampered with gifts daily, is she still upset?

Not everything depends on how many gifts you give her. Yes, women love gifts and being pampered with pretty clothes, flowers, and necklaces. But we also love just being able to cuddle up with our man.

If you're spending all your extra time going out and huddled into a corner playing a video game, we will feel left out. It's almost as if we feel less important to you than your video games, or whatever it is you're doing.

So, whenever it seems like your girlfriend is upset or in a bad mood, it may be because she wants to spend time with you. Just ask her to sit by you and hold her, cuddle with her, even rub her back. It'll make it better.