Sunday, August 10, 2014

Two years? That's a while!

Two years isn't very long to people who have been in a much longer relationship, but it is a good amount of time to be with somebody. 
Honestly, before now, I would have thought that it was almost impossible to be with somebody longer than a few months and still have some interest in them. But it's not true. When you love someone, everything they do is either irritating or interesting. There's no in between. But you always love them anyway. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Get Her Some Flowers!

It is nothing that men don't already know. Women love receiving gifts. So why, even though she's pampered with gifts daily, is she still upset?

Not everything depends on how many gifts you give her. Yes, women love gifts and being pampered with pretty clothes, flowers, and necklaces. But we also love just being able to cuddle up with our man.

If you're spending all your extra time going out and huddled into a corner playing a video game, we will feel left out. It's almost as if we feel less important to you than your video games, or whatever it is you're doing.

So, whenever it seems like your girlfriend is upset or in a bad mood, it may be because she wants to spend time with you. Just ask her to sit by you and hold her, cuddle with her, even rub her back. It'll make it better.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

If You Never Argue, You Don't Care

This one is interesting, because most people are obviously going to think "but how does it show I care if we fight?"

I know, because I thought it too when my mother told me this. But as time has grown on and I've grown up and been in my own relationship, she was never more honest.

Arguments in relationships mean that you care enough about the person to want to keep them safe or from doing something that may hurt them.

It also means that you are paying attention to each other enough that small things you notice that they do, may be irritating. But it's ok.

Here's a book I would recommend to read for readers. Check it out if you want:

Could friends be affecting your relationship?

Everyone has dealt with it at some point: those friends that claim your spouse every day of the weekend every week.

 First, sometimes this starts arguments. Why? Because often times these friends expect everything to be dropped when they say they are leaving. But what if you and him are busy with your time with each other. After working 5 days a week, all you want is one day where you get to spend time with your spouse. But the friends think other-wise. They don't realize that, though you do live together, you don't necessarily always get to spend alone time together after work. After long days, it's easier to come home and relax, not come home and have to leave again for date night.

 Some advice for these issues: have a talk with the friends. Let them know that you don't mind your spouse seeing them a couple times a month for beers at the bar or pool night, but you need some time with him as well. As long as you keep it polite, there's no reason they shouldn't understand.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


If you're looking for someone, or just want help in general on your relationship, here are some good books to check out.


I was on Facebook the other day and noticed a pretty heated fight between a girl and her family.

About her idea to marry her boyfriend of 3 weeks.

She was upset people were criticizing her for her decision. However, many of the people she was lashing out at were trying to tell her that marriage was hard and she needed to consider this more.

I understand that it does suck when people try to offer advice and tell you what they think you should do, but that is only because they care.

Now, I'm not married, but I've lived with my fiance' for two years now. And yes, I can vouch that it is difficult. It is not a cake walk. You have to try everyday. And when you've tried and tried and seem to be getting nowhere, keep trying. Don't let relationships walk out the door.

Stop to think, when you argue, what seems to be the issues? Honestly, in my relationship, it is usually because I always sound irritated and he takes it personally.  So I've been working on that, and he's been working on helping around the house more. Simple.

But getting married after a 3 week relationship is not smart. You haven't had enough time to know the person. It is different between just being in a relationship and actually living with the person. So just be patient. If it's meant to be, then it'll work out. If not, then you just saved yourself a lot of money.

When Life Gives You Lemons

Make lemonade?
Nah, I don’t think so.
If you make lemonade with nothing but lemons, you’re going to be puckered up for a while. So ask for some sugar and water too.
When life starts to feel like it’s monotonous and just gets more difficult everyday, don’t just go with the flow. Add something to make it better. Find something in the shadows that mean something to you. Things that make you happy and want to laugh.
You can’t let everything in life get you down. Sometimes life gets hard, but it’ll get better.
Just remember: it’s storming now, but it can’t rain forever. The sun will shine eventually.