Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I was on Facebook the other day and noticed a pretty heated fight between a girl and her family.

About her idea to marry her boyfriend of 3 weeks.

She was upset people were criticizing her for her decision. However, many of the people she was lashing out at were trying to tell her that marriage was hard and she needed to consider this more.

I understand that it does suck when people try to offer advice and tell you what they think you should do, but that is only because they care.

Now, I'm not married, but I've lived with my fiance' for two years now. And yes, I can vouch that it is difficult. It is not a cake walk. You have to try everyday. And when you've tried and tried and seem to be getting nowhere, keep trying. Don't let relationships walk out the door.

Stop to think, when you argue, what seems to be the issues? Honestly, in my relationship, it is usually because I always sound irritated and he takes it personally.  So I've been working on that, and he's been working on helping around the house more. Simple.

But getting married after a 3 week relationship is not smart. You haven't had enough time to know the person. It is different between just being in a relationship and actually living with the person. So just be patient. If it's meant to be, then it'll work out. If not, then you just saved yourself a lot of money.

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